Tasked with creating the composite poster for the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity, I was given only raw greenscreen photo files to work with. Using Photoshop and InDesign, I edited the unassuming profile pictures to look professional, and then arranged them into a template that I created.

Editing the pictures included embedding a background, masking the subject, matching the subject's tone and color to the new background, and editing out the green reflection left on the skin, jacket, and accessories using a brush in the hue blending mode. Using the hue brush was most important along the edges of the subject, and especially the hair, where the green reflection was the strongest.
In InDesign, I created a template with bounding boxes for names, images, and included the logo and information in the middle. After creating an action in Photoshop to edit each image quicker, I added the names and corresponding photos to the template and printed it in two sizes: 12x18 and 24x36.